Book a session to find your new life purpose


    1.5 hours purpose coaching | €90.

    Suitable for people who are already on their path but want extra guidance to get unstuck.


    3x 1.5 hour sessions | €250

    Suitable for people who are in the beginning of their path and want to be accelerated into clarity.

“Most people don’t fulfill their life purpose because they just don’t know what it is.”

Why is is so difficult to find your life purpose?

Since childhood, parents, grandparents, teachers, society and culture have poured layers of layers of meaning and purpose which is not yours. It takes a lot of digging and listening to that quiet inner voice that is buried under all that expectations, punishments or praise that were given to you to fulfill others’ ideals and visions.

It takes courage to say “no!”, and start following your own instincts. It takes patient to find them, and some blocks need to be removed in order to actually go out there and achieve that you wish for, against all other opinions and rewards for staying in your confort zone.

Once you’ve found your purpose, that fire is super hard to extinguish. You know where you are headed and you for sure know where you don’t want to stay. Then, even if the road is hard, you know it is a battle worth fighting, because it is the only battle you want to win.


What is the process?

We start with 3 personal sessions where we delve into the root causes that block you and the root causes that guide your aspiration, and move on to professional focused sessions to build a new narrative and discuss the career and business from your vision’s perspective. After the initial 3 sessions the process is flexible depending on your needs.

What do you get out of this process?

  • Clear vision of what you want to do - personal & professional life

  • Get unstuck emotionally psychologically and energetically

  • Strong sense of who you really are underneath social, cultural and family conditioning

  • Solid foundation of how to build inner guidance and remove blocks

  • Create a compelling story to "sell" yourself or your vision to others

Who is it for?

If you are stuck in an unfulfilled professional life and want to start a new career or business. But this time you want to listen to YOU and your inner calling and guidance.

If you feel you can’t continue on the wrong path again for 10-20 more years of your life.


Shamanic journeying modalities of self exploration, consulting and healing.

We first find what is blocking you and why you are stuck. We remove the emotional and energetic blocks and pave the path to inner coherence which is not obstructed by fear, guilt or pleasing others. No prior experience is needed.

