Why Shamanic Healing Is so Important To The Modern World
Imagine a therapist who analyzes the dreams of his patients the second they open their eyes, without going to sleep. Imagine if you could pull information from your subconscious, ask your intuition a question, or receive spiritual guidance - without taking a psychedelic substance. Sound interesting?
Some background:
Our world has become much more comfortable in the last 100 years. Life expectancy has increased. Flights have become cheaper and faster, the Internet has shortened the time in which information passes, machines, robots and applications shorten the time in which we consume services and products, the world has become safer. But still, despite all the technological, research, scientific and psychological progress, people are still stressed, anxious and depressed. There are studies that claim that the rate of emotional and mental disorders actually increases because of technology, social distance and distance from nature.
Despite all the comfort, cleanliness and speed. Childhood trauma is still trauma, depression is depression, chronic illness is an illness. Pain is pain. Guilt is guilt, and grief and loss are what they are. There is no way to treat them technologically through an algorithm or a series of tips for a morning routine. The comfort and speed obscure it - the suffering is present in the background and even increases even though it exists under a lot of notification alerts, binge watching and yoga classes.
Maybe something in the modern way of living is not working well? Maybe psychology and technology do not reach deep enough to the basic needs of the human spirit. The spirit that have not changed for tens and hundreds of thousands of years and still yearns for what it is missing.
Here we can learn from our ancient origins as human beings. Before the industrial revolution, before politics, kings, empires, globalism. Before the division into countries and continents, before the monotheistic religions. When humans were connected to nature and the spirit of life that flowed through all living, plant and inanimate creatures. People who believed that man is part of the web of life, but is not at the center of it and should not control it, but live in harmony with it.
People who believed that it was possible to communicate through speech, singing, drumming, symbols and prayer with the spirit of any person (living or dead) creature or inanimate object. Today it seems primitive to us but most of us still talk to our computer, phone, car when they break down. And if it is possible to establish contact, or a relationship with the spirit of someone/something else, familiarity and closeness are created which reduce the chance of harming and undermining the harmony (refer to the climate crisis).
To some of us this sounds primitive and contradicts the transition to monotheism or scientific thought. But if the same energy that has been preserved since the big bang has been preserved and manifested in everything. Don't all things contain the same initial energy in different expressions? If the quantum field can be influenced by just watching, maybe it is also possible to communicate with it? If God is in everything and everything in him, if a part of him is in every person, animal and stone, is there a contradiction between direct communication and communication with different parts of the divinity that have different physical embodiment? Think about it deeply.
Back to the point-
The people in these cultures invented methods to talk to the spirits or the great spirit. Methods that put them in a trance state.
Shamanic healing comes through trance work, which does not require an African dance or the noise and ringing of an entire tribe, but the sound of one drum or one rattle in a rapid and repetitive manner, to put a person into a daydream that is deep enough to ask and receive answers from the spirit or the deep subconscious (or what ever your believe you are communicating with. trust me, it will still work.)
Using this technique, which is based on sound, intention, openness, curiosity and patience, it is possible to receive answers that we could not have imagined that we would receive.
Whether you believe they came from an “outside” spirit or from the subconscious it doesn't matter. The power of the answer comes from its practical application and the change it will cause in reality, if you agree to accept it and act accordingly of course.
The shaman healers in Siberia, Mongolia, Tibet, America, Africa and all the countries where the knowledge is preserved, including more secular “core shamanism” healers, use trance to talk to the spirits and solve very mundane problems such as processing and healing trauma, alleviating or curing diseases, returning energy and vitality to the body, cutting ties and negative effects on the person, finding direction in life, emotional balance and more.
These treatment methods take place in individual or group therapy. Depends on the type of treatment and guidance. Since they are based on sound, they can be easily transmitted over the Internet.
Returning to the "primitive" and pre-psychological sources of healing can actually bring us closer to working more precisely with the human operating system.
Shamanic trance work can also be combined with modern psychological models such as constellation work, inner child, focus, guided imagination and more. The ancient work can help us return to our own nature and from there bring deep healing, connection and harmony.